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Vote Chase Oliver For President 2024!

Updated: Oct 9

The American Dream will be attainable again once Chase Oliver is elected President on November 5th, 2024. In our parents' and their parents' lifetimes, it was an individual's hard work and ability, along with fewer taxes, fewer laws, less government spending, and less intrusion in individuals’ lives, that gave people a better quality of life. We’ve lost that. And we had a MUCH smaller government. Few today can remember the last time we had a balanced budget.

All of these factors deny people’s dreams of opening a business, affording college, and buying their first home. When the government can’t raise taxes, they just print money which causes the inflation we’ve been seeing. Neither party even talks about deficits or balanced budgets anymore – but Chase will. He has pledged to veto any budget that Congress sends him that is not balanced.

Increasing tariffs aren’t going to solve any problems, either – the targets, like China, just add that cost to the price of what they sell (so you pay it -- more inflation) . These cause tariff wars, so our exports become more expensive to foreign consumers, again hurting Americans. Nor will "free money" for childcare, for buying a first home, or forgiving student loans end well. There's no such thing as a free lunch, and it's time that we vote for a politician that understands Economics 101.

But it’s not just the federal government. Our California state taxes—income, sales, and gas taxes—are among the highest in the country, and the anti-business sentiment is driving companies like Tesla and Exxon to move out of California. So, our problems get worse and worse, and despite their rhetoric, neither the Republicans nor the Democrats have solutions for the major problems they have caused. It's time for a complete reboot.

So, how will Chase fix these problems? John Stossel did a thorough, no-nonsense interview with Chase on a wide range of policies. It provides a refreshing set of viewpoints that you won’t hear from Kamala Harris or Donald Trump.

To Watch the Video, Click The Image Above or use the link

Chase cares about everyone in this country and wants to repair the damage the old parties have done for decades. He has been named "The Most Influential Libertarian of Our Time" by Rolling Stone. (

Now’s the time to vote differently! Don’t hold your nose and vote for the lesser of two evils (they’re both evil).

Chase Your Dreams—Vote for Chase Oliver

Learn more about Chase at

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